The Sohamm Babajee Missions is a Global Family dedicated to promoting Peace on Earth
The Missions believe that every living spirit is a member of a single planetary community with an equal right to share the Land, Water, Air and all naturally occurring phenomena on this planet.
The Missions believe that every living spirit has the right to have and to share a positive dream, about their future and the right to work towards the fulfilment of that dream, together.
The Missions is committed to awaken the awareness within all of us, and to help every human to realize our hidden potential, the “Divinity” within.
The Missions takes upon itself the noble tasks of making people aware that this World and all its beauty has been given us in Trust, and of cultivating a humane attitude of genuine responsibility towards all forms of life.
The Missions involves itself in a great variety of work with spiritual activities predominating. Regular meditation – the understanding of oneself and hence the complex fabric of humankind, and ultimately leading to the realization of the “Self” and the “Soul” – is an important part of the Sohamm Babajee Missions.
Apart from lectures, meditations, seminars and spiritual exercises there is a wide range of social, charitable, educational and creative work done at and from the Missions to enable its friends and followers to explore their own Divine potential and to appreciate living in its totality.
Thus, the Sohamm Babajee Missions is not merely a spiritual organization. It is a comprehensive experience geared towards the awakening of the inner consciousness. It is a way of life.